Your Support Matters
Make A Donation
Your donation not only helps create our annual event, FUNDA Fest for the community but provides thoughtful, engaging programming to families, students, and adults alike.

Now more than ever...
We are sought after to bring our stories to schools, businesses, organizations and more. We know that when we share our stories, we find our commonalities, even when we are different.
Knowing one another’s stories helps create a more vibrant community.

Over the 19 years of Rhode Island Black Storytellers’ existence, FUNDA Fest has sponsored dozens of national storytellers and enriched the lives of thousands of Rhode Islanders.
Motif MagazineJANUARY 2017
To see him [Len Cabral] on stage is to become enraptured with whatever story he’s spinning – he prefers folklore, fairytales, myths and the like. It seems impossible to not connect.
Providence Journal APRIL 2016